An Adult Education Room in Our Future

Our long awaited elevator is moving ahead fast and furiously.  The shaft along the playground wall is almost complete, reaching the roof line.  Our contractor is saying that they will be “breaking” into the building in a week or so.  The elevator access hallway will take a few feet from room 105 (our new Adult RE room and Choir Practice room) and 205 (the large classroom).  A new wall will be built at the far end of both of these rooms.  Once the wall is up, we will begin completion of room 105. For the first time, Live Oak will have an actual room dedicated to Adult Lifespan Education. ENCOURAGE GROWTH

First a new ceiling will be installed with new tiles and metal framing.  Followed by a fresh paint job (say goodby to Noah’s Ark), then new flooring, new tables and various other details to make this a pleasant usable space for both discussion and choir rehearsals.  

The estimated cost of this is $7,000.00 paid for from our Capital Fund.  This cost was greatly reduced because Ray McPherson and Tim Buckley removed the wall between the rooms, the bathroom, and converted the overhead lights to LEDs.   Look at what we can accomplished when we combine our talent, time, and treasure.  Thanks to everyone for all of these contributions!

Sue Buckley, Capital Fund Committee Member