Endowment Grant Guidelines
- Proposals will be evaluated by the Endowment Committee, with attention to the following:
- Importance of the need being addressed
- Innovation in design of program to fulfill the need
- Ability to sustain program beyond Live Oak’s funding period
- Priority of project to your organization and evidence of your commitment (i.e. committed funds and personnel)
- Evidence of impact on community
- Since Live Oak seeks to fund programs that create an impact in the community, we respectfully decline to fund proposals for any of the following purposes: debt reduction, bridge financing, matching funds for other grants, legal expenses, operating budget fund campaigns, and individual scholarship funding.
- Applications will not be accepted from groups that have received a Live Oak UU endowment award during the previous calendar year.
- The Endowment Committee may request additional information and materials from applicants during the grant evaluation process.
- Proposals approved by the Endowment Committee will be presented to the Live Oak UU Church governing body for final approval.
- The applicant will be notified of being awarded the grant and will enter into a grant agreement with the Live Oak UU Endowment. This agreement will specify the grantee’s payment terms and reporting requirements in order to fulfill the grant proposal.
- Any grant dollars remaining unspent at the end of the grant period must be reported to the Endowment Committee. Unused grant dollars should be returned to the Endowment Committee; however, the grantee may seek permission to retain funds by sending a letter to the Endowment Committee describing how the funds will be used.
- Applicants that are not chosen to receive funds will be notified and will be given an explanation of the reasons for not being chosen.
Thank you for your interest in applying. Please send any questions or requests for additional information to the Endowment Committee at: endowment@liveoakuu.org.