
Why Faith Development?
“We live in a system whose core belief is that we are self-interested individuals. Liberal religious education challenges this view.” (Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker)
“The purpose of education is humanization. To be fully human is to be a subject who acts upon and transforms the world, and in so doing, moves toward ever new possibilities of fuller and richer life individually and collectively.” (Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed)
Our Adult Faith Formation classes provide an opportunity to learn together in a covenanted community and rediscover our capacity to “consciously and critically experience the world.”
Currently, all of our offerings are online, with opportunities most days of the week. Links for gatherings can be found on our What’s Happening page. Here is just a sample of what we offer.
- Worship reflection question
- Fellowship Hour breakouts
- Minister’s online lunch
- Senior Coffee Hour
Fall Drop-In Programming
Beginning September 26 you can look forward to drop-in classes most weeks between services, 10:35 – 11:25 AM. Our focus will rotate each week of the month. (all scheduling is tentative as of 8/10/21)
1st Sunday: Spiritual Practices
We gather each meeting to learn about a different spiritual practice and spend time doing it as a group. The goals of this class are: build community, cultivate a beginner’s mind, and explore practices that deepen our understanding of self.
2nd Sunday: Social Justice Learning
Led by our social justice ministry team, these classes are an opportunity to learn more about the needs of the community and the ways that we can be a part of the movement towards justice in the world.
3rd Sunday: Fuller Conversations: Living into Values
On the 3rd Sunday we gather to deepen our understanding of our Unitarian Universalist shared theology and strengthen our resolve to live our values in all parts of our lives.
4th Sunday: Who is Live Oak?
Wonder how we make it all happen? Who does what? Meet the various groups that do the work of Live Oak. Each time we gather you will hear how a particular ministry group approaches their work–mindful of our mission and committed to community.
Chalice Circles
Are you ready to commit to regular gatherings focused on deeper listening to each other? Chalice Circles are small groups focused on meaningful connection. A group of 8-10 people commit to meet regularly throughout the year for dialogue on topics to enrich their faith development. Live Oak staff provides the facilitation materials, and individual groups determine when to meet and how to share leadership responsibilities. Members follow the guidelines for participation in a covenant group, which include a commitment to show up and to share the time.
Ad-Hoc Classes
Periodically we have classes that meet for a set period of time during the week or on Sundays. Stay tuned for updates on those offerings as they arise.
For the latest news, subscribe to the newsletter or check the weekly postings in Faith Dev News (click button below)