Music Team
The Music Team is an open group which helps create and sustain all of our musical activities here at Live Oak. We brainstorm about congregational songs and music to be performed to fit with the sermon topics coming up. We advocate the use of music in our Religious Education program, for children, youth and adults. Members include any one interested in music, of all genres, or specific genres. The Music Team also administers the Bill Sauber Memorial Fund, to be used for acoustical improvements in our sanctuary. Musical events outside of the worship service are also sponsored by the Music Team. People who have followed any kind of music through the years, including (but not limited to) pop, folk, country, and classical, are welcome. Our communications are all held through Slack and email, until the board decides it is safe to meet in person.
Check out the latest Music News.
Mission Statement:
To enrich lives through music in our church and broader community.